Purificación Cruz Cruz

Profesora Asociada de la Facultad de Educación de Toledo de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Principales líneas de investigación

  • Programación. Elaboración de documentos programáticos
  • Didáctica
  • Creatividad. Expresión corporal y teatral
  • Métodos de innovación curricular

Bachelor in Education. Degree in Psychopedagogy. PhD in Psychopedagogy by the UNED. Professor of the Department of Didactics and school organization for seven years, teaching subjects of school programming, creativity, school organization, management and innovation, work for projects, treatment of learning difficulties, ICT resources, etc.

Expert in school programming, emotional intelligence, theatrical game, body expression and creativity. He has taught numerous courses, conferences and workshops to parents, teachers and students. He has published several articles in indexed journals, book chapters and publications in international workshops.

Professor Lecturer at the Autonomous University of Zacatecas (Mexico).

Member of the CIBERIMAGINARIO research group of the UCLM.

Teacher of Early Childhood Education (children from 3 to 5 years old) for more than 25 years. Coordinator of creative activities at the center and coordinator of teacher training at the Colegio Nuestra Señora de los Infantes.

Associate Professor of Digital Communication at the Rey Juan Carlos University, coordinator of the Cyberimaginary research group, and co-editor of the scientific journal Icono14. Specialist in digital communication and elearning he has participated in more than fifteen competitive national and international research projects. He has an extensive scientific production with more than 45 publications among research articles, book chapters and monographs. He has been Academic Director of the Center for Innovation in Digital Education of the URJC (2013-2017), Technical Advisor of New Technologies (2003-2007) and Head of Service of distance education of the MEC. He has taught at Universidad Complutense de Madrid (1999-2002), Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (1999-2003) and Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (2003-2007). He has realisazed stays of research in the USA at the University of Central Florida and in Scotland at the University of Stirling. He has taught courses in Argentina at the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Colombia, at the Universidad del Norte, and at the UDESC in Brazil.