Daniel Wuebben Portrait

Daniel Wuebben

Assistant Research Professor Universidad Pontificia Comillas | Adjunct Faculty

Principales líneas de investigación

  • Humanidades y ciencias sociales de la energía
  • Compromiso público con las redes de transmisión renovables
  • Transiciones de energía

Daniel Wuebben es un investigador Marie Curie del programa GET-Energy COFUND. Obtuvo un doctorado en literatura en el Graduate Center de la City University de Nueva York y ha ocupado puestos de enseñanza a tiempo completo en el City College Center for Worker Education, en el Programa de Escritura de la Universidad de California en Santa Bárbara y en el Programa de Becas Goodrich de la Universidad de Nebraska en Omaha, donde también fue director del Programa de Educación en Prisiones Post-Secundarias de Nebraska. Ha publicado nueve artículos de una sola autoría y dos de coautoría en revistas sobre una serie de temas como códigos florales, videos virales y estudios críticos de surf. Su libro, Power-lined: Electricity, Landscape, and the American Mind, muestra que a medida que las líneas más largas, más altas y más interconectadas se unen en los márgenes del entorno moderno, los significados de la electricidad y el paisaje cargan los espacios físicos y la conciencia popular. Su investigación actual examina la comunicación científica, el compromiso público y la transición energética en España y el resto de la UE.

Daniel Wuebben is a Marie Curie Fellow with the GET-Energy COFUND program. He earned a Ph.D. in Literature from the Graduate Center of the City University of New York and has held full-time teaching positions with the City College Center for Worker Education, the University of California Santa Barbara Writing Program, and the Goodrich Scholarship Program at the University of Nebraska Omaha, where he was also director of the Nebraska Post-Secondary Prison Education Program. He has published nine single authored and two co-authored journal articles on a range of topics including floral codes, viral videos, and critical surf studies. His book, Power-lined: Electricity, Landscape, and the American Mind, shows that as longer, taller, and more interconnected lines coalesced on the margins of the modern environment, the meanings of electricity and landscape charged physical spaces and popular consciousness. His current research examines scientific communication, public engagement, and the energy transition in Spain and the rest of the EU.

Wuebben, D., Meinhold, R., & Frigo, G. (2023). SDGs and fictional energy utopias: Gauging sustainable energy transitions against Ecotopia (1975) and The Ministry for the Future (2020). Energy & Environment, 0958305X231186849. https://doi.org/10.1177/0958305X231186849
Carbonell-Alcocer, A., Romero-Luis, J., Gertrudix, M., & Wuebben, D. (2023). Datasets on the assessment of the scientific publication’s corpora in circular economy and bioenergy approached from education and communication. Data in Brief, 47, 108958. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dib.2023.108958
Wuebben, D., Rubio-Tamayo, J. L., Gertrudix Barrio, M., & Romero-Luis, J. (2023). 360° Video for Research Communication and Dissemination: A Case Study and Guidelines. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 66(1), 59–77. https://doi.org/10.1109/TPC.2022.3228022
Romero-Luis, J., Carbonell-Alcocer, A., Gertrudix, M., Carmen, M. D., Gertrudis-Casado, M. del C., Giardullo, P., & Wuebben, D. (2022). Recommendations to improve communication effectiveness in social marketing campaigns: Boosting behavior change to foster a circular economy. Http://Www.Editorialmanager.Com/Cogentsocsci, 8(1), 2147265–2147265. https://doi.org/10.1080/23311886.2022.2147265
Wuebben, D., & Peters, J. F. (2022). Communicating the Values and Benefits of Home Solar Prosumerism. Energies, 15(2), 596. https://doi.org/10.3390/en15020596
Gertrudix, M., Rubio-Tamayo, J. L., Wuebben, D., & Sanchez-Acedo, A. (2022). XR Journalism Lab: An Innovative Space for Research and Training in Immersive Journalism. In Methodologies and Use Cases on Extended Reality for Training and Education (pp. 1–20). IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-6684-3398-0.ch001
Wuebben, D. (2021). Of robots and rhetoric: Nikola Tesla’s telautomaton and the boundaries of scientific communication (1897–1900). Public Understanding of Science, 30(4), 484–492. https://doi.org/10.1177/09636625211003714
Wuebben, D., Romero-Luis, J., & Gertrudix, M. (2020). Citizen science and citizen energy communities: A systematic review and potential alliances for SDGs. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(23). https://doi.org/10.3390/su122310096